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The truth behind 4 common home insulation myths!

When considering installing insulation for your home, it can feel overwhelming at first—but it doesn’t have to be. Having insulation can provide significant savings and comfort to you and your family but without reliable information on the entire process, or about insulation in general, it can be difficult to understand what to expect. As a result, some homeowners are left in the dark and are unsure of what to believe when looking for advice.

To help provide some clarity on the subject, we’re sharing some common myths about insulation and the truth behind them.

You only need insulation for the cold
During the summer months, many homeowners don’t consider the state of their insulation (or lack of it) because they feel their hot home can be remedied by their HVAC alone. Unfortunately, this is a common myth. Insulation helps a home during the summer just as much as it does during winter! Similar to how insulation keeps heat generated by the furnace inside the home during winter, it also helps keep cool air from your HVAC insideyour home.

The more insulation, the better

When it comes to insulation, more is not better. There are many factors to consider when determining how much insulation to install, like what part of the United States you live in. And for some homes, 4”to 5” ft. is sufficient and any more becomes unnecessary. This is where hiring a professional like USA Insulation is recommended to ensure your home is getting the right amount and type of insulation. Before adding more insulation, something else homeowners should consider is that the culprit behind high energy bills may not be only lack of insulation but other home issues, like hidden air leaks.
Only R-value matters

While the R-value of insulation is very important, it shouldn’t be the only deciding factor when it comes to choosing the right insulation. R-value only indicates an insulation material’s resistance to heat flow but not how well it prevents air flow. When an insulation material doesn’t prevent air flow very well, it can allow for conditioned air to leak out of the home and cause spikes in your energy bill. This often occurs when an insulation product isn’t able to conform to the area around it, like our freely flowing USA Premium Injection Foam. When insulation can’t conform to every crevice – as is the case with cellulose – it will be a challenge to provide complete coverage of the insulation area and put your home at risk for energy inefficiency.

Insulating your home is expensive
When homeowners think of installing insulation, their minds immediately go to how expensive it could be to insulate their entire home. We’re here to put your mind at ease and let you know that insulating your home doesn’t have to be expensive. With USA Insulation, you can get the quality insulation you and your family deserve and not break the bank in the process.

Along with our goal of providing comfort and savings to homeowners, we also want to ensure homeowners receive factual information for making important decisions like installing insulation. If you’re a homeowner in need of insulation, contact our insulation experts for a FREE in-home consultation!

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