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a white house with a green lawn

It’s Fifty Below and it’s Only Mid-Novembrrrrrrr!

Yes, Virginia, there IS a Santa Claus—or at least Santa Claus-like temperatures—in Virginia, New York, Illinois, Iowa, Ohio, Alaska, California, Florida…and even Hawaii! In fact, on Tuesday, November 18, all 50 states in the union recorded temperatures of freezing or below!

Hawaii‘s Mauna Kea volcano was 31 degrees at the summit. Obviously there was no magma bubbling up to keep things warm there. Florida‘s panhandle only made it to the upper 20‘s.

Meteorologists report that Tuesday was the coldest day in November—that‘s ALL of November—in 37 years (since 1976,). The average overnight low in the Lower 48 states was 19.4 degrees. In other words, we are about two months ahead of schedule in getting our Polar blasts of freezing cold temperatures!

Snow in the Great Lakes region caused massive traffic problems and even deaths. The Buffalo region recorded 70 inches of snow with more on the way! Over 50% of the country was covered in snow.

The weather service prognosticators are prognosticating a frigid and bleak week:

“A deep low pressure system centered over southeastern Canada will continue to push polar air over the eastern half of the US this week. Well below average temperatures will reach the Gulf Coast, with most of the Mid-Atlantic states barely getting above freezing Tuesday and Wednesday. In the Midwest, periods of lake effect snow will continue south and east of the Great Lakes through Wednesday.”

The early frost does not make a mild winter likely–as backed up by the Farmers‘ Almanac forecast for the coming winter. The popular publication predicts below average temperatures throughout most of the country.

The good news is that there is warmer weather ahead—at least for a few days or weeks. This will give homeowners ample time to winterize their homes properly. More on that in my next post—but right now I have to excuse myself. I have about six feet of snow to shovel off my front walk!