Winter is over and the results are in! Bears hibernated longer. Snow shovel sales were up dramatically. And bills for winter energy use were up! This winter‘s exceptionally cold weather resulted in far greater energy consumption than in any year in recent history. Furnaces were running overtime to keep office buildings, apartment complexes, and homes warm. Some energy companies even had to get old generators up and running in order to keep up with demand for electricity. The “Winter of the Polar Vortex” took its toll and when it comes to heating bills, those tolls are higher.
One of the best things a business owner or homeowner can do to prevent higher energy bills is to properly insulate their property. The Department of Energy lists home insulation as one of the best ways to reduce energy consumption. Before 1980, new homes were not required to have insulation. Those built after 1980 often have sub-par or deteriorating insulation. Get a home energy professional to come to your home and assess your insulation. If you need insulation, foam insulation can be injected over your existing insulation through small holes in your home‘s exterior (which are then patched up with little or no visible cosmetic change). It provides the highest rated energy efficient barrier against the heat and cold outside your home. You‘ll stay warm in winter and cool in summer while your furnace and air conditioner are running much less time.
Polar Vortexes and Summer Sizzles are predicted to happen more often in the future. The best way to protect your home against the heat and cold—and your pocketbook against high energy bills–is by having quality insulation installed in your home.